Monday, October 27, 2014

New Day New Age New Brand of Politics Absolute Necessity

New Day New Age new brand of politics is an absolute necessity
Questions for Guyanese, politicians, and technocrats
As of May 26, 1966 to this very day,
Who prints the currency used as legal tender in Guyana? Where is the currency produced?
Who owns and controls the money supply of Guyana?
Who owns and controls the economy of Guyana?
Who owns and control the Natural Resources of Guyana?
Who owns and controls the programing exhibited Guyana?
Guyanese wherever you are – are you politically savvy in this current times? If you are politically astute then you are aware of the answers to the following questions. If you do not. Then, you need to question yourself.  Why in this world do you vote in any elections in Guyana? Who benefits from your ballot? How does your choices at the polls affect the geopolitical boundaries you frequent; neighborhood, community, village, district, municipality, county and the nation as a whole?
How does your choices at the polls affect the population of Guyana respecting the influx and exodus of people? I am absolutely convinced it is those who support the PPP and the PNC are the primary reasons why Guyanese migrated and continue to migrate 1950-2014. Yet those smart people don’t get it.  They continue the foolishness while resident beyond the boundaries of Guyana. Hence Guyana continues to be backward consumer nation much as it were designed to be as colonies and a colony of European nations dating back to the seventeenth century.  There is no power in being a consumer. Consumer power is a ridiculous and meaningless phrase. What does it mean? I know it means a controlled people. A producing people promotes development. A people who owns the means of production control their destiny. Guyanese you can’t send sheetrock to Guyana and chat about developing Guyana. That’s worse than going to jail and claiming to be smart. Similarly, you can’t be buying and wearing another human’s hair and chatting about how pretty you are. You have to utilize the products found in Guyana to develop Guyana. Guyanese you have to control your politicians to develop Guyana. Most of all, Guyanese you have to own and control the money supply, natural resources and the economy to develop the nation. Otherwise, there will be no tangible benefit of obtaining political independence on May 26, 1966 for our people as a whole. As of Monday, October 27, 2014 Guyana is much similar to British Guiana, 1831-1966 foreign nations, primarily western nations, reap the benefits of Guyanese products including human resources. Guyanese need to begin by asking themselves the serious questions I mentioned herein and begin to find solutions and not Band-Aids, plaster for the serious unsolved issues which continue to handcuff our nation. It is past due for our people not throw away the politics of 1950 – 2006 into the trash cans of history. Burnham, Rodney, the Jagans Hoyte and politicians and/or technocrats fifty five (55) years old and older must simply become footnotes. They must not be allowed to continue to be highlights in our daily lives at this late date. They should not even be considered advisors. What would such people promote but the same old politics of ethnic fears. That’s what they do. That’s what they know. I don’t get that notion of ethnic fear. Tell after, a hundred and seventy-six (176) years of dwelling in the same land, why are people buying into that con-game at this late date?  

New Day new brand of politics is an absolute necessity. Political parties must become mass orientated the masses must have the final say of who comprises the executives of political parties. The masses must elect their representatives in all phases and/or forms of government.   Elections must be held at schedule period and not left to the whims of the governing administrations. The masses must participate in all phases of life in the nation. The struggle continues. 

750,000 Guyanese 491,000 Electors - Contrary to Living Mathematics?

How be it a nation of with than 750, 000 people possess listing of voters showing the information of more than 491, 000 electors?  I charge the numbers exhibit positive symptoms of padding in the list of electors. 
Are there blatant and willful fraudulent acts being perpetuated upon future generations of our people? The ominous Oversees voters of 1968 nation exercise has returned. Perhaps they never left. Names of the departed are on the list of electors. The names of departed were on the lists in 1968. Even names of departed who transitioned more than two prior decades.  In all likelihood non-Guyanese are also on the list of electors. December 1968 have repeated itself in this current times. Strange Burnham was terrible. Hoyte was awful. Yet the current generation of PPP are a trillion times worse than the 28 years of the PNC. You bet your sweetness – it is so. I am really disappointed with the PPP1992-2014. I imagined PPP would transform the Guyanese political and economic landscape. Thus making Guyanese regret their 28 years out of office. I was totally wrong.  PPP almost immediately declared war on the African Guyanese people. Communities were marginalized. Their Civil Servants employments were rudely terminated. An unreasonable amount of rhetoric, propaganda transform and strokes of pens Guyana into a most Indian nation.  At the beginnings of and throughout the twentieth century, the African-Guyanese feared such a possibility. Forbes Burnham utilized that sentiment to build his platform. He also used that fear factor to hold onto to political power for almost 21 years. The African Guyanese fears have been realized. Clement Rohee, Roland Gajraj and others have all organized and encourage genocidal campaigns against African Guyanese and poor East Indian people. Most regrettably, in this current period, one notices the WPA has declined to behaviors of the past by simply aligning itself with the PNC. The APNU is not breaking any new ground. It is non-inclusive. It is an exclusive old boys club.  Young people are needed to bring new efforts and energy into the political fray. When one looks at the period 1950- 1953. One, immediately, observes the youthfulness of the technocrats. Dr. Jagan was an elderly 35 year old, Burnham was some 30 years old. Eusi Kwayana was 28 years old. Balram Singh Rai was 35 years old.  The meddling foreigner, Miss Jewess was 33 years old. Today, the leadership of the political parties are all birthed in the colonial era. I charge no one birthed in the colony of British Guiana ought to be permitted to occupy any office in the land, at this late date...  It is always the succeeding generations who pays for the errors of prior generations, Guyanese have being paying for the errors of the past 61 years, absolutely. In December 1964 Guyanese had a golden opportunity to set things right, to rid themselves of the cancer the Jagan and their variety of communism and political platform by choiring Balram Singh Rai after the Jagans malicious acts and language in 1962 against the honorable Minister of Home Affairs. With all the published accounts of abandoning the PPP in the daily chronicle and chatter on the airwaves of BGBS and Radio Demerara. Yet only 1331 voters got it right. Ultimately, Balram Singh Rai packed his bags, and left in 1970. He never returned, he has not received one cent as pension for his parliamentary service from any of the administrations, Burnham, Hoyte, Cheddi Jagan, Janet Jagan, Bharat Jagdeo, Donald Ramotar and even Samuel Hinds. Talk about malicious and bad minded people - none are any good, whatsoever.
I know if a person is birthed in Guyana and the individual has satisfied any of the following conditions; resided for more than five years, employed, own real estate - immovable property, paid taxes and has children birthed in another nation. The individual must be deemed ineligible to vote in any elections in Guyana even if they own property in Guyana.  It is this sort of Guyanese who are the major stumbling blocks to progress in the nation. They contribute to the conditions existing in Guyana for the past sixty one years. After all they don’t have to survive daily in the cesspool Guyana has morphed into. They have their safe havens, conditions of comfort, if not absolute luxury beyond the geopolitical boundaries of Guyana. They dwell in England, the Caribbean basin, Canada, USA and Europe. Therefore, what do they really care about? Who cares about the improvement of the conditions in Guyana?

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Khazarain Ashkenazi Zionists Versus Musicians and Positive Music

“Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns all clean.” - Maya Angelou
I am a researcher. I love people who do the research themselves, period.  I take offence to anyone, relative or not, who dismiss research based on their limited understanding. It matters not whether the ages of the individual ranges between eleven days old and one hundred and eleven years old. Nonsense is nonsense. Bullshit is Bullshit regardless of the sources. I don’t love people tell me what they know and/or understand is the absolute reality.
John Potash exhausted numerous hours reading reports as printed by the intelligence community of the US and British Government. The reports, consistently exposed, the hidden hands of CIA, FBI and Police Departments targeted and executed numerous musicians and advocates championing working class ideals on the planet. All the while stating they died because of one reason or another as they permitted the media they own and control to print and/or expose to the general public such as a result to the East –West Coast feud which the intelligence community manufactured in the first place.  People get their information from Khazarain Ashkenazi Zionists controlled media outlets. They accept such as gospel. People need to be freed. People need to tune-in to alternative sources of information. There are numerous sources on the World Wide Web. Stop it with ABC, NBC, CNN, CBS, WB all are owned and programed by Khazarain Ashkenazi Zionists I was hoping for information on the assassination of Walter Rodney and more detailed information on the assassinations of Peter Tosh and Bob Marley. It is really a blessing in disguise that Bunny Wailer’s refusal to tour during the 1970s and early 1980s maybe the primary reasons Jah B is allowed to trod earth still while his co-conspirators were physically removed.
Potash also cast a different view of Snoop Dogg than that common exhibited.  I wonder what  are in the reports of the intelligence community respecting Walter Rodney, Forbes Burnham, Cheddi Jagan, Balram Singh Rai,  Bunny Wailer, Fela, Jacob Miller, Garnett Silk, Gregory Isaacs, and Dennis Brown…I am convinced Reggae artists, from Peter Tosh to Buju Banton  were targeted  October 1968 to recent times. As a result positive vibrations declined and slackness predominate. The same scenario holds true with Rap/Hip-Hop music and musicians.
Khazarain Ashkenazi Zionists have improvised and controlled every phase of our existence from at least 1913 increasing and unscrupulously. A Luta Continua

Saint Peter of Westmoreland at 70

Lessons in my Life - Mystic Man  of Westmoreland at 70 – October 19, 1944- October 19, 2014
“My lifestyle can never change, no matter how much money I make. I’ll get more aggressive against imperialism, that’s the only change.  More aggressive against the system, because the system’s only set up to victimize, exploit, kill, brutalize, and do everything that’s degrading . . . ”  - Peter Tosh (1944-1987) December 16, 1978, Rolling Stones Records, 75 Rockefeller Plaza, Manhattan, New York City, Stepping Razor - The Life of Peter Tosh: page 240.
Peter Tosh may have been a Christ.  Peter Tosh may have been a Messiah. Then again Peter Tosh may have been neither a Christ nor a Messiah. Certainly, not   in the accepted organized religious systems of economic culture of beliefs of western societies. Peter Tosh was most certainly denigrated, maligned, prosecuted and violated as any of the known Christs and Messiahs. Peter Tosh was beyond the shadow of doubt a messenger of truth of a most ancient peoples of the most ancient of times. Music was his weapon. He was most proficient and memorable with the guitar and his vocals. Keyboards, mouth-organ and percussions also complemented and comprised the weaponry in his arsenal.  His messages were flavored with the gospels of Rastafari. The messages, simply said, transcended physical characteristics, religious and geopolitical boundaries. His messages were steeped in his belief systems of humanity, reality and spirituality. His were motivated by his understanding of the concept of and for the greatest good of man and indeed all of creation. Although, Tosh championed the plight of the underprivileged working classes and aboriginal peoples everywhere upon creation; of course, perhaps, he is best remembered for his most uncompromising advocacy for the legalization of cannabis sativa (marijuana), universally.  The spontaneity of his wordplay and his profanity laced speeches are as creative and attention grabbing then as they are now legendary. None will ever forget peter tosh reputedly coined “crime minister”  as a true representation of the office of head of state – the Prime Minister. Thus the idea that membership of the legislative arm, and indeed all phases of government was documented as criminals and/or enemies of the people for posterity.
Fortunately for humans who were not privileged to experience the legendary in the flesh, there are numerous video recordings of his performances, which demonstrates the accolades were deserving yet inadequate. Video recordings confirm and bear witness of the magnetism, consciousness, seriousness and the sincerity Peter Tosh espoused.  Tosh is probably the first artist to smoke herbs on stage, during a public performance in a major arena.  Considered, a blessed sacrament, Peter Tosh was the leading crusader for the freedom of smoking Marijuana legally in every society known to man.  Some twenty seven (27) years after his departure, a number of States in the USA has enacted laws permitting the usage of marijuana for medical purposes and other limitations. However, humans are still hunted, caught, trapped and sent to various industrial prison complex in western societies. Prison colonies are full of people convicted of petty crimes. The department of corrections have millions of underprivileged working class people under its control and/or supervision. Moreover, no nation in the Americas and Africa has legalized the smoking of marijuana. In the Caribbean, Rasta people are still looked down upon by the other classes of the societies. Law enforcement authorities still perpetuated the agenda of criminalizing and violating their physical components.  It is known Marijuana was legally consumed up to 1924 by the masses in the colony of British Guiana. Yet, 48 years after the European left the location the emergent bourgeoisie has failed to correct that situation. Guyanese are still criminalized since May 26, 1966 as they were between 1924 and 1966 for the possession of marijuana and other petty acts. It seems to me New Zealand is the leading light in the struggle for absolute legalization of ganja. There is a political party which focuses on enacting legislation for freeing society.
On Sunday, October 19, 2014, the autochthon christened with European names Winston Hubert McIntosh would have been seventy (70) years old. I and I put it to you. It’s not too difficult to image.   At this stage, were, he in the physical realm of existence, the conscious fire-branding truth warrior would have surrendered to Nature. Bunny Wailer is exhibit number one. Mick Jagger and Keith Richards are exhibit number two. Muhammad Ali is exhibit number three. None of those mentioned are as fiery as they were during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.  
As great as the Wailers were it would be unrealistic to expect they would command the same attention in this current times as they did in their heydays. It is also very difficult for anyone to imagine either Peter Tosh or Bob Marley appearing on any program as a novelty act. Clearly, Bunny Wailer, is adamant against such scenarios.  It is thus reasonable to conclude Peter Tosh, Bob Marley and Bunny Wailer were not into absolute nostalgia.  Peter Tosh, Bob Marley and Bunny Wailer regularly breathed fresh life into a number of pieces they created.  Even a casual observer of the Wailers’ musical catalogue would realize tunes, for example, Dreamland, made in the 1960s, re-emerged in the 1970s and even were revitalized in the 1980s.  I further testify I have not heard better harmonies that those reproduced by Peter Tosh and Bunny Wailer. While Bob Marley was as fine a lyricist as any in the history of popular music Peter Tosh was as talented a musician as any recording artist ever.
It seems to me, Peter Tosh, most uncompromising public posture makes him comparable to Olufela Anikulapo Kuti (1938-1997) as the most victimized of the musical truth warriors, certainly, during the twentieth century. The departure of Peter Tosh only six years after the transition of Bob Marley was a terrible blow to the production and promotion of black conscious messages in reggae music.  The researcher, John Potash, listed Bob Marley amongst the victims of FBI covert operations in his 2008 publication, “The FBI War on Tupac Shakur and Black leaders.”    One wonders at the major reason why peter Tosh was assassinated in September 1987.   Frankly, the given reasons does not suffice. Timothy White’s biography of Bob Marley, titled, “Catch a Fire” is not explicit on the departures of Peter Tosh and Bob Marley, relative to forces beyond Jamaica.  I absolutely believe the departures of Tosh and Marley were in compliance of demands and/or requests extended by the Khazarain Ashkenazi Zionists to the government of Jamaica.  Timothy White and John Masouri exhibit contrasting accounts relative to the interactions of the wailers and their associates. Description of the behavior of Peter Tosh and Rita Anderson towards each other is a perfect example.
One also wonders who wrote numerous songs in the Wailers’ arsenal.  John Masouri produced the major biography of Peter Tosh. Masouri failed to enlighten respecting the definitive writer of “Get Up Stand Up” and “Burial”. I believe Peter Tosh wrote “Get Up Stand Up”. Bob Marley edited Tosh’s attempt. Bunny Wailer wrote Burial. Also, it seems Laurel Atkins, Eric ‘Monty’ Morris, Joe Higgs and Jerry Butler are the major influences of Tosh’s vocalizing.  I need to know and not believe.  Recordings such as the following; Oh Bumbo Klaat, Legalize it,  Whatcha gonna do, Burial, Till your well runs dry, Why must I cry, Bush Doctor, Buckingham Palace, Equal Rights, Mystic Man, No Nuclear War, Nah Goa Jail, Guide Me From My Friends, No Sympathy, 400 Years, You Can’t Blame the Youths, Lessons in my Life, I Am That I Am, Apartheid, Creation, Mama Africa, African, Nothing But Love and The Day The Dollar Die, will ensure as long as humans are marginalized, oppressed and victimized Peter Tosh will never ever be forgotten.  Artists such as Gramps Morgan, Morgan Heritage, Lucky Dube, Anthony B, Bushman, Luciano, Andrew Tosh, Bunny Wailer and the Rolling Stones have paid tribute in their recordings. His legacy is secure. Peter Tosh is indeed a champion of suffering peoples, period. I and I testify, that is the summary of the legacy of the Mystic Man, Peter Tosh (1944-1987) PBUH.
Lessons in my Life - Mystic Man, Saint Peter of Westmoreland at 70 – October 19, 1944- October 19, 2014 

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Rural Constables of Places of Interest as of January 29, 1908

Rural Constables January 29, 1908
Isaac Jacobs (Paradise) Emanuel Francis (Belfield)
John Butcher, Gersham Cupido, Jacob George, Sergeant Christopher Roberts, Robert Owen Birmingham, Sadhoo, Jeeram, Benjamin Edwin, Adolphus Crawford, Thomas Peters, Primo Elias, Hamilton Adams,  Henry Thomas (Victoria)
Jinkoo, Toola (Cove & John)
Nathaniel Mason, E. I. Rodney, Abram Glasgow, Pilgrim Frank, William Fraser (Nabaclis)
Joseph Daly, George Morrison, David Rodney (Golden Grove)
James E. Norton, William Pollard, James Thomas, Ramgosammy, Sergeant Thomas Melville Perry (Plantation Enmore)
William Wood, (Golden Grove)
Sergeant Timothy Scott, (Alexander village)
Manny Chance, Edward Achalis, sooklall, Samuel Blair, John Williams, Surjdin, William Sampson, William Baveghens, (Lusignan)
Henry Scott, Sergeant James Craig, Philip Hamer, Seetloo, Sydney James,  Thomas Shortt, (Friendship);
Willis Glasgow and Alexander Blair (Bladen Hall)
Sergeant Isaac Henry, Sergeant Thompson Jarvis, July, William Brown, John, David Syfox, James Jordan, (Buxton);
Source: Rural Constables, Official Gazette of British Guiana, January 29, 1908:pages 179-186
Can you and I talk about the immediate relatives of Timothy Scott, Henry Scott, Isaac Jacobs and William Sampson? Email: 

  1. Peter Sharper departed May 4, 1908 at Public Hospital, Berbice.Peter Sharper resided at Essex Street
  2.  Thomas Jacobs Plantation Enmore (May 9, 1904) 
  3. Lilian Johanna (Jacobs) Blank spouse of Joseph Louis Blank 31 Camp street Georgetown
  4.  Humphrey Scott, Plaisance
  5. Herod A Sharper, Friendship 1903
  6.  James Scott, lot 9 Charles Street, Georgetown and Thomas Atkinson, lot 43 Croal Street, Georgetown - Transport
  7. Rural Constable W. E. Scott, Success
  8. George Thomas Elliott, La Bagatelle, West Demerara, January 31, 1903
  9. W.B. Scott, Planter, Hampton Court
  10. R. Scott, N/A, Berbice
  11. C. J. Scott Crab, Oko, Cuyuni (5938 Claim Licence Number)
  12. (Oct 11 1897) Robert Benjamin Scott,  Limlair
  13. (Oct 13 1891) Charles  Albert Scott, Georgetown
  14. James J. Scott, 73 Leopold Street
  15. Rebecca Scott, Nurse-Midwife, February 18, 1903 /Charlotte Niles
  16. Isadore Scott, Charlestown Girls’ School
  17. Valdina Scott, Ursuline Convent (Lady Sendall Competitive Examination Needlework) February 25, 1903 
  18. Margaret Branch, Charlestown Girls, February 16, 1903 under 9 years old. Both born  about 1896
  19. Eva Pilgrim, Ursuline Convent, about 1896
  20. Emily Brooker, Cove & John E