Saturday, June 15, 2019

Joseph Oliver Cutteridge and Nelson's New West Indian Readers

How on earth the stories found in West Indian Readers can be labelled, Juvenile Nonfiction? Joseph Oliver Cutteridge (1887- August 2, 1952) was a most ridiculous creature. West Indian Readers - First Primer - Dan is the man in the van , A pan is in the van, Tot got a pan from Dan, Tim ran to Dan in the van, Dan let Tim drive the van (PP. 24)
Are you familiar with the account of the dog and bone and its morals? I became aware of this story at Ralph's Kindergarten School. I must have considered it unlikely for I was a most unforgiving rice-eater. Flour was a close second. It was war to mess with the contents of the plate assigned to me. Nah I don't think one grain escaped my attention. I hate loosing access to rice I prepared. Greed never entered my psyche.
Nelson's New West Indian Readers 1 - Uncle Rimer, "I shall tell you the story 'The Dog And His Bone'.